Feeling a little overwhelmed when trying to choose which crystal jewellery piece is the right one for you? Let us help you out.
While we are big believers that there are no rules when it comes to what crystals you vibe with, having some of these tips up your sleeve can make the process a little less daunting and a lot more fun!

  1. Chose a crystal that is calling to you. Your intuition is a powerful thing and you have permission to trust yourself.
  2. Alternatively, research crystal properties and intentionally select something that you feel will support you best.
  3. It is 100% okay to pick something just because you think it’s pretty and will match your style – on closer look you may find it’s exactly what you need!
  4. Clear Quartz amplifies the energy of crystals nearby. Use it wisely.
  5. Remember that when wearing crystals a unique ingredient will always be your personal energy.
  6. If you are a beginner to crystal wearing its best to stick to stones that have a gentle energy or that you’re most familiar with, (amethyst, clear quartz, rose quartz) and avoid those more powerful stones until you feel you’re ready (I’m looking at Moldavite!)

Hopefully these tips and tricks can help guide you with your selection – click here to see what crystal jewellery we currently have in stock

If you have some more guidance you’d love to share make sure you leave a comment!