Clear Quartz Chips

master healer | amplifying | focus
  • “Master Healer
  • Amplifies energy of other crystals
  • Clears stagnant energy

Crystal chips are perfect for using in your candles, spell jars, essential oil blends, sprinkling in your plants or just carrying with you as needed, the possibilities are endless.

Approx. 60g – 70g of crystal chips in a glass jar.

 Each crystal is a unique creation of nature, and its size, shape, and colour may vary. Rest assured that we hand-select every crystal with care, ensuring that only the finest specimens make their way into your hands.

Tell Me More

Clear Quartz is a versatile and powerful crystal that embodies properties of amplification and focus. It acts as a magnifier, enhancing the energy of other crystals and intentions. Clear Quartz is highly regarded for its ability to clear stagnant energy, promoting clarity, and revitalisation.

Clear Quartz is considered a “master healer” due to its ability to amplify and transmit energy. It is widely used in crystal therapy and Reiki, to balance and harmonise the body, mind, and spirit.

Associated with the star sign Leo, Clear Quartz resonates with their vibrant energy and leadership qualities.

It aligns with the Crown chakra, facilitating a deeper connection to higher consciousness and spiritual realms. Clear Quartz serves as a conduit for divine wisdom and supports spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Clear Quartz is piezoelectric, meaning it can generate an electric charge when subjected to pressure. This property is why Clear Quartz is often used in watches, electronic devices, and other technological applications.

Physical Properties:
Colour: Clear Quartz is transparent and colourless, although it can occasionally exhibit a milky or smoky appearance due to impurities.
Crystal Family: Quartz
Hardness: It has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs Hardness scale
Origin: Brazil, Madagascar, the United States, and many other countries.

Please Note: The metaphysical properties provided are based on common beliefs and should not replace professional advice or medical treatment.

Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $7.00.

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