“Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity … it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie

We have all heard or read many definitions of gratitude, but to truly experience gratitude requires a conscious effort. How many times do we say the words ‘thank you’ without actually feeling thankful?

Gratitude is a conscious, positive emotion that comes when feeling thankful for something. It’s so much more than just showing good manners – it is a practice that requires acknowledging someone else’s gesture towards us or the things that are going well in our lives.

Practicing and expressing gratitude has many amazing short and long term benefits!
Feeling grateful boosts those positive, feel good emotions like joy and compassion while encouraging us to consciously connect with what’s good in life. In fact starting a gratitude journal is one of the first things therapists recommend as a part of the treatment for depression. 

Like any skill, gratitude can be learned and strengthened. Here are some of my top tips on how to practice gratitude.

1. Each day think of three things that you are thankful for.
 Make it a daily habit to visualise the good in your life and try to devote at least ten minutes to this practice, rather than quickly coming up with them.

2. Practice meditation.
Clear any negativity from your mind and give thanks for all that makes you smile. If you’re not sure where to start using guided meditations can be helpful, I highly recommend checking out Smiling Minds 

3. Thank those around you.
 How many times do we extend thanks without taking a moment to actually feel thankful? Challenge yourself to be more conscious in this act and explore different ways to express your gratitude – be creative!

4. Include an act of kindness each day.
Think of the joy this act will bring! This could be writing a thoughtful message, a nice gift or service gesture (like a shoulder massage). 

5. Start a gratitude journal.
Writing them down what you are grateful for is a great way reinforce your self-worth and will build confidence over time. We’ve got the perfect prompted journal pages for you!

Did any of these tips surprise you? Any you struggle with or are doing already? Let me know below!