Unfortunately, grief and loss are something that we all move through at different times in our lives. The feeling of grief isn’t solely reserved for physical death, it can be a spiritual loss, an emotional loss, or even a change in circumstance can bring on a loss too.

It may sound cliched but time is a great healer and this journey will take time and patience with oneself as you process all those emotions. Have courage, have patience, and remember to take a deep breath.

The journey of grief is complex and will take time and there are no short cuts. But, that doesn’t mean that support isn’t available, whether its talking to someone, practicing self-care and patience, or sitting in quiet meditation.

Dealing with the complex layers of grief will need crystal energy that brings gentle healing, balances out those big emotions, and makes you feel comforted and cared for. 

The crystals we have picked are here to keep you grounded, balance, loved and as rested as can be.

  1. Amethyst – to facilitate healing and stress relief.
    Amethyst is a natural tranquilliser – it can soothe the body and mind, and when you’re feeling overwhelmed this stone will bring you back. Amethyst is also a great sleep aid for those restless nights.
  1. Pink Opal – for self love and healing.
    Pink Opal is a stone of love and gentleness. Similar to rose quartz, it will heal your heart while pushing you to look within and strengthen that connect to your inner self 
  1. Smokey Quartz – to keep your grounded and stop emotions from becoming overwhelming.
    Known for is ability to relief depression and anxiety, smokey quartz will keep those big emotions in check and keep you grounded in the now.
  1. Labradorite – for protection and strength.
    Strength and perseverance, two things Labradorite is best at. Keep this stone close to keep your aura balanced and protected.
  1. Pyrite – build confidence and helps overcome any anxiety you may be feeling.
    While this stone is commonly used to help manifest wealth it is also perfect for rebuilding confidence and protection from adrenal burnout. Heavy emotions during this time can lead to anxiety which in turn can lead to adrenal burnout. Pyrite will help keep you in balance.
  1. Lepidolite – provides emotional balance and encourages positive thoughts.
    A stone of transition, Lepidolite is a lithium rich mineral that not only encourages positive thought but creates an emotional balance and it encourages you to move through these feelings of grief and loss at your own pace.
  1. Black Obsidian – for self reflection and growth – will give strength to move forward.
    Obsidian will help you overcome fear, anxiety and anger – all common emotions we travel through on our way through grief. Connected to the root chakra, obsidian will keep you grounded and protected.
  2. Rainbow Moonstone – to help you move through the cycle of grief
    An amazing stone to have with your during this journey, moonstone is a reminder that emotions and time move work in a cycle. A stone of new beginnings, Moonstone will help guide you through any depression and soothe anger,

Here are a few ideas to help you to tap into a connection with these stones and to bring about healing…

  • Wear a piece of crystal jewellery. Wearing crystal jewellery is the best and easiest way to stay connected to the healing vibrations of a stone.
  • Place your crystals under your pillow – this is great for those sleepless nights. Amethyst is perfect for this.
  • Meditate with your chosen crystal. 

Some other crystals you may find supportive during this time are – selenite, aquamarine, rose quartz, clear quartz, carnelian and citrine.

During your moments of grief and loss please reach out if you need help. While crystals can help us feel supported during this time they do not replace traditional medical care and counselling.
For more information on dealing with grief speak to your GP or https://griefline.org.au

We would love to hear what crystals you turn to in these tough times and how they have helped you. If you feel comfortable sharing please leave us a comment below.