Every month, as the full moon illuminates the sky, the universe encourages us to take pause and ask ourselves what we are manifesting in our lives.

Astrologically speaking the full moon is the lunar phase when the Moon appears fully illuminated from Earth’s perspective. This occurs when Earth is located between the Sun and the Moon. The full moon marks the end of the lunar cycle.

Since full moons are about endings it’s only fitting that your full moon rituals should feel a little conclusive and reflective. Focus on what you have done, where you have been and what you have accomplished during this time. What’s worth holding on to and what’s worth letting go of?
Full Moon rituals are the best when the involve some form of reflecting, recharging and releasing.

Things to try During a Full Moon

Cleanse your space
The full moon is the perfect time to cleanse your physical and mental space. Release all that built up energy that you no longer need. You can cleanse your home with smoke or smoke-free cleansing products. Take the time to cleanse your body with a relaxing full moon bath and focus on releasing what no longer serves you.

Charge your crystals.
Harness the epic energy of the full moon and use it to cleanse and charge your crystals. Place them out over night to soak up the moons energy.

Because full moons mark endings they are the perfect time to engage in some reflection. Meditation offers an amazing way to do so.

Make Moon Water
What better way to keep the magic of a full moon than moon water. Simply place some water in your chosen vessel out to charge under the full moon. Use this water to make your own cleansing spray, wash your face, add to tea, water your plants – just be mindful, if you plan to ingest your water or use on your body be sure to use safe drinking water and place in a sealed vessel to charge.

Need some more support during a full moon?
It is no secret that the full moon can affect your mood. People have been linking the moon and our behaviour probably since the beginning of time. A 2013 study published in the journal Current Biology found that sleep can be significantly affected by lunar phases. This lack of sleep can greatly impact our mood and behaviours.

Heres some of our favourite items that might help support you during the full moon phase.

Clear Quartz – The Master Healer
Moonstone – In time with feminine energy Labradorite – Balance and Harmony
Selenite – The ultimate moon magic crystal!
Full Moon Altar Spray – Assists with releasing La Lune Solid Perfume – Calm, sleep assist