Rose Quartz Chips

love | healing | compassion

  • The universal stone of love
  • Promotes compassion, love and nurturing
  • Heals heartbreak and disappointment

Crystal chips are perfect for using in your candles, spell jars, essential oil blends, sprinkling in your plants or just carrying with you as needed, the possibilities are endless.

Approx. 50g – 60g of crystal chips in a glass jar.

Each crystal is a unique creation of nature, and its size, shape, and colour may vary. Rest assured that we hand-select every crystal with care, ensuring that only the finest specimens make their way into your hands.

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Embrace the loving and healing energy of Rose Quartz as you open your heart to compassion, self-love, and emotional growth.

Rose Quartz, the universal stone of love, emanates a gentle and nurturing energy that promotes compassion, healing, and emotional well-being. 

It is a crystal deeply connected to the heart chakra, facilitating the flow of unconditional love, self-acceptance, and empathy. 

Rose Quartz’s tender vibrations resonate with the essence of love, fostering a deeper connection with oneself and others, while also soothing heartbreak and disappointment. 

As the birthstone for October and associated with the zodiac signs Taurus and Libra, Rose Quartz complements their affinity for harmony, beauty, and loving relationships.

Fun Fact: Ancient civilisations believed that Rose Quartz could prevent wrinkles and aging, leading to its association with beauty and youthfulness.

Physical Properties:
Colour: Ranging from pale pink to deeper shades.
Crystal Family: Quartz
Hardness: 7 on the Mohs Hardness scale
Origin: Brazil, Madagascar, South Africa, and the United States.

Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $7.00.

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